Comments : Christmas Choice (Shakespearean Sonnet)

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Michael, I'm not too sure on Shakespearean sonnets but I think this fits the bill so to speak though I'm sure Mr Sonnet King (Ben) will tell you for sure :) anyway the actual piece is such an honest, sincere write and goes to show that even if this was your last Christmas, which I sure as heck hope that it won't be and that you have many more to come, then you would have spent it with this lady by your side and I must say she's a lucky one to have a guy like you with the SOH you have and I bet there's not a dull moment in your household lol

    1/ A beautiful opening that I feel basically says if you should keep this girl (I assume) for the rest of your life then you are lucky and you wouldn't have it any other say be sure she makes your heart glow and your love grow and that just being with her is a Christmas dream come true. Love the use of magnitude here, what a word. I can picture this ladies beauty casting light, like a star, on your festivities.

    2/ Though I am an atheist I like this stanza because it tells us the true meaning of Christmas for many of us with the 3rd line and it's subtly done. I can imagine you here holding a candle in each hand giving thanks to the lord and to your lovely lady.. Not a clue why though lol.

    3/ This made me smile though a little sad due to thinking of it being your last Christmas (I know well, I hope it's not) but that you are thankful because even if it was you spent it the way you'd choose with your love by your side and I'm guessing plenty of wine (lol) should bell be bells, or am I just reading it wrong?
    Love the image of your love being underneath your tree though because obviously for you thats the best gift ever, maybe even gift wrapped too ;)

    Couplet/ This is a fantastic couplet and I love the contrast of Christmas light to summers days but no matter what the season you will glow as long as your love is by your side.

    Beautiful Michael and I hope this is nominated as I'm all out. You seem to know when I'm out of votes lol.

    All the best,

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse


    thou doth pen thy words most eloquently, thou hast pluck a heart string of mine its note lasting eternal..... ok lol enough of all that.

    Love this write Michael, i've never written a Shakespearean Sonnet before...or any other type of sonnet actually so I admire this greatly, as always your word choice and blah blah blah's are exceptional
    but....I have to say...

    "No Christmas light could match my honey rays,
    She fills my heart with splendid summer days. "

    ^^^ this right here is the money shot, Crazy good conveyance of emotion and imagery to tie the piece up nicely.

    Nominated. Epic write.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    Is this the sonnet that we spoke of? Surely, it must be to be so beautifully written!
    As you know, I am rather partial to sonnets and this is one of the best I've read on-site.
    It is such a personal piece so I won't start breaking it down, other than to say the iambic meter is spot on except 'casting'. I hear the stress firmly on 'cast'.
    Anyhow, this is excellent.

    All the very best,


    • 8 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      Thank you all.

      Ben, you are the Sonnet king, so I bow to your judgement. I thought it was ca-STING, but there again, I must admit, I do struggle a bit with recognising where the stresses are! lol

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Michael, I am not the sonnet king, lol - nearly all of what I know is from you and if I had any questions about them, I'd still come to you.
    As far as casting's concerned, I'm pretty sure it's the word 'cast' (stressed) then the suffix 'ing' - unstressed.
    I'm also fairly sure that any word ending with 'ing' would have the unstressed syllable there.

  • 8 years ago

    by Everlasting

    I like the sentiment.

    Though just to be picky casting and Under are both trochee.

    But it's no biggy.

    • 8 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      Thank you both - if you are the King and Queen, then maybe I can be the Joker! lol

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Under, too - Lucero is absolutely right.

    Michael, you can be the jester in our court anytime, lol

    • 8 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      Ah, Jester - that's what they are called. What's a Harlequin?

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Pretty much the same thing, I think but I don't know exactly!

    • 8 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      I feel a challenge coming on...

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Michael, such a beautiful sonnet. It's wonderful to know that even if all the joys and blessings of Christmas were gone you would still have this pure love of this special person. Well done-

    • 8 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      Thanks, Brenda. You too, challenge Christmas light. :)