Insomnia (Song)

by Maher   Dec 30, 2016

I'm awake.
I feel my skin begin to crawl
and the million years it seems that passed
turn to morning's weary call.

I can breathe.
The heat below has traveled on
yet the daunting cries of maidens eyes
make it hard to sing this song.

Well I can read about the world,
or I could cast away these eyes of mine,
but it would never break the curse;
your apparition in my mind.

If you'd but tear away my soul
and wrench away my pride,
surely peace you'd find with dryer eyes;
maybe sleep we'll share that night.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Ren

    Love this!! Insomnia...the struggle is real. Too real.

    • 7 years ago

      by Maher

      Lol it is and thank you :)

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Well done SC. Insomnia is a bit..h

    • 8 years ago

      by Maher

      Thanks USB :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Maher, I liked this a lot. Insomnia is awful and it seems in this write that insomnia is keeping you from the woman in your dreams. She appears briefly but not nearly long enough. Well done-

    • 8 years ago

      by Maher

      Thanks Brenda, interesting way of looking at it :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Maher, insomnia is a complete b I t ch lol I suffer and have suffered for as long as I can remember, it never seems to get easier either unfortunately.

    1/ The first line here reminded me of the film frozen when Anna says "the skies awake so I'm awake" lol don't worry I only watched it with my nieces and you probably have no clue what I am talking about haha. Why does it seem that our skin begins to crawl when we cannot sleep? Hmm :/ definitely a million years seem to pas when we cannot sleep thus making the 'long' nights merge into one.

    2/ I feel this is associated with living in Aus and it being so hot now that you couldn't breathe but now the heats subsiding (even if a little) you can breathe again. Traveled should have two l's I think.

    3/ When awake all night you could do whatever you liked and why wouldn't you especially if sleep isn't going to come to us soon. The world apparition I had to look up as I wasn't sire of it's meaning and I found "a ghost or ghostlike image of a person" or "a remarkable or unexpected appearance of someone or something" so my guess is the ghost like image but then again, I'm usually crap at guesses haha.

    4/ I feel this is relevant to being insomniac because we wish away our lives (or I have done) when sleeps prevails us.
    A great write, I think has a deeper meaning though I cannot pin point it.

    Take care, Em

    • 8 years ago

      by Maher

      Lol I miss this. Travelled should have a double L, but Americans seem not to like double letters unlike the Brits and Aussies lol. It marked it red so I just used one L to shut it up.

      Very interesting interpretation though and I love to see how things can be interpreted totally different by others as opposed to what was intended. It's half the fun of writing because people can show you a perspective of something that you would never have thought of - it's awesome. So thanks Em. This is why I like your breakdowns of what I write :)

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