Comments : Someone Please Kill Me.

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    I know right now you think life is the worse but hang in there, this too will pass. No-one and I mean NO-ONE is worth losing your life or your mind over. It sucks to have your heart broken but if this person was the one they wouldn't have hurt you like this. Stay strong!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Hi, I must say this saddened me which is what I assume it was meant to do so w even feel how you though o kind of already did a little but not only because of the poem itself but the part after the poem you wrote because even when we feel like this we would rather no one else did, here's to better days.
    1/ People will hurt us for as long and as much as we let then unfortunately so what we need to do is say you know what you can get stuffed hurting me because I am not going to let it though when you have been hurt so long you kind of expect to happen because if it's happening to you then they aren't hurting anyone else, right?
    2/ This reminds me of me with my ex.. He was once so loving and kind then one day I did 'something wrong' and he completely changed, I was so scared to leave and the love I once had for him rapidly turned to hate and he wasn't bothered how much he had hurt me nor about anything he had done. Some people are only happy if they're making someone else's life a misery. I think in the last line make should be making though.
    3/ All I can say here is that sometimes it's better to be alone than with someone that makes us unhappy by continuing to hurt us.
    4/ I think it's part of human nature, we crave love and even though there were many bad times we always think of the good as it makes us happier and know that we can be happy with someone but only if they do not hurt us because nobody deserves to be hurt but unfortunately it happens.
    5/ This person is a nobody because they hurt you and yes, you will feel this way for a little but it will hopefully not last as they never deserved you and I am sorry you were treated badly.
    6/ Happiness is never too much to ask some people just do not know how to make someone happy but to destroy them daily as they thrive off it, unfortunately. Now, I know it'll be difficult but forget about them, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, tell yourself you are worth more than that and move on.
    All the best,

    • 8 years ago

      by CountlessMoments

      Thank you so much Em!! It's been so tough on me. I'm literally watching myself crumble. My past relationship was just as bad and I really don't know what to do. I continuously keep taking him back after all he's done. It's literally like a dejavu from my past. I just cannot seem to accept the fact that he makes me more sad, hurt, mad than actually happy... This has been going on for quiet awhile now and I'm guilty for it. Make-up to break-up. My brain, heart and soul is exhausted. I want and love him but yet I hate and don't want him. I really pray for better days...