Comments : Set Sail (Free Verse)

  • 8 years ago

    by Kasie

    Great piece. Its filled with such strong emotion. I love free verse poems because to me they show the most emotion.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    As sad as this piece is, it's great to see you writing again. Your poetry is always intelligent and holds my attention which isn't easy, especially in longer writes.

    Great free verse here from you with a 'killer' closing line.

    I do hope you're a little more buoyant than this poem suggests.

    Take care,


  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Stephen, beautifully written. So much in your words to think about. I feel we all have pondered our existence and what propels us forward, very few have expressed it so beautifully. Well done! I have missed your words!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Stephen, glad to see you back writing again even if this piece is saddening, it's written wonderfully with so much imagery and emotion within it.

    1/ What an opening and one which many of us can relate to trying to escape the darkness life has thrown at us bit unable to do so because for those that suffer depression there is no 'light at the end of the tunnel.'

    2/ I imagine you walking the path of life with a di orderly fashion because it's thrown sh it after sh it at you and now you are trying to avoid it like the plague. I love the word tumultuous by the way and I like how you say raped into existence because it shows (me anyway) that you didnt ask to be born into this world but you were and now you're finding it hard (I think) to fit in because there are people out there that couldn't care less about us and put feelings.

    3/ The imagery here is awesome and the first thing that came to me was a man being stuck in a room and the walls closing in for some reason which to me would be horrible as I hate dark, confined spaces. I feel that this is somewhat about stability and it being lost though I may be wrong.

    4/ Life is cruel especially to those of us who are honest and caring I think but I have been told that we are only dealt with what we can deal with so I guess we are the strong ones. Me and my Mum always say that there is only two things promised (if thats the right word) in life and that is the day we are born and the day we die, thats what this reminded me off.

    5/ I absolutely loved this part being able to meet with your former self and talk to them about things that have been so we don't do them again but would it really help? Reminds me of the film back to the future. Life is definitely a killer.

    6/ For some reason I feel this is a personal stanza though maybe I am wrong.

    7/ This is such a hard hitting stanza and to be honest I think if we lived in a 'perfect' world that none of us would exist because not one of us is perfect.

    All the best.

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Darling S..
    I have to break this down..

    1. This is where I am at.. just a lost soul wondering, searching for a better me.. or a sign of some sort that it gets better..

    2.we all often ask ourselves who are we.. what is our purpose.. who would really miss us if we leave this earth.. will we have left a mark..
    I guess it comes with the depression.. but im not sure..
    To answer it though everyone on here will miss you.. they.. we all know who you are.. maybe not your deepest darkest secrets but we know you.. and we will never forget you.. your mark is your poetry..

    3.this is very personal.. we all often feel like our trubles are consuming us.. will swollow us up..

    4.i agree.. life is cruel.. is a killer.. you cant live in a constant darkness... noone can. I guess its why people kill themselves so often. sorry you feel you are stuck.. that you have missed the opportunity to set sail..

    7.i realise it sounds stupid, but it will improve. One we have hit rock bottom, there is no way but up!! Just strap in and hold on for the ride.. i guess we all fall down..

    The signature.. well there are no words..

    S.. i am glad your wrote again and hope you keep up with it. Dont let people discourage and get you downn okay.. this is so good..i live it..

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Well done on a well deserved win.

  • 8 years ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist


    this is really a gem. ... lines well packed with emotions. .

    Congrats for winning. .


  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    How deep are your thoughts! Loved all the words. A powerful read.

  • 7 years ago

    by ddavidd

    This is a masterpiece. Haha I promised myself not to use this word. The angle in which the writer sees the world here is phenomenon. The depth that the writer examines the elements of his existence - at the same time nonexistence- is very unique. And of course the way he handles the paradoxical aspect of the universe is portentous. A mixture of philosophy, dialectical observation of the world, mysticism, and new age revelation, all through the seemingly wet lenses of a conscious and impressible talent.