Forever Home

by deeplydesturbed   Jan 5, 2017

For as long as I can remember
I've walked the darkened streets
I've screamed in pain at the people passing by
yet no one seems to hear me.
At the beginning of each day
I know the sun should come up,
however all I see is the silvery moon.
Days, weeks and months all blend in to one.
Time just continuously passing.
When the clock tower strikes twelve
I'm transported back..
Each time I leave those iron gates,
I try and get further
from the other wandering souls.
Tonight however, I hear you.
I feel the tears dropping down your cheeks,
I try to talk to you, but you can't seem to hear.
There's fresh flowers in your hand
Red roses.. my favourite..
I try and yell;
"I'm here! Look at me.."
I try and touch your face, grab your arm.
You get up, place the flowers on my grave
and walk away..
I realise I am forever stuck
Forever a lost wandering ghoul
Unable to pass on to heaven or hell
This graveyard is now my forever home..


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  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    This was an excellent write the first time round and I can tell you it pushed the runner-up spot very close.

    Well done on this,


  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    N, I loved this in our club challenge and re-reading it again just gave me the shivers. To be in such pain and no-one can hear you and not realizing until later you are actually dead-mind blowing....kaw boom! (that's my mind being blown). Well done N!

  • 8 years ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist


    Goosebumps from my head down to my feet. .. I like this very much and the emotions you pour to this piece. ...

    Well done


  • 8 years ago

    by Kasie

    Wow, I got chills reading this. Well written and very emotional. Well done.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is very eerie but well written.


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