Heart, body, soul and mind

by Courtney Hough   Jan 9, 2017

Under this skin,
Deep to the core.
Is her broken heart,
Hardly surviving anymore.

Darkness comes in,
Though the heart built a wall.
The darkness crept in,
Going under it all.

Her soul was affected,
Slowly became spotted.
While new wounds opened,
And blood clotted.

Her body didn't understand,
"why're you doing this to us?"
The heart answered back,
"She has no trust!

She's just so scarred,
And cannot feel.
She cuts those wounds,
Because they actually heal!"

Her mind chimes in,
"you're an idiot my dear,
Why do this?
Stand to your fear!"

Her soul softly speaks,
"You can be strong,
Don't worry dear,
You've done nothing wrong."

The others became quite.
Letting her soul speak,
"Don't listen to their hurt,
You are not weak.

Mind, be at rest,
Heart, feel at ease.
Body, I know it hurts,
Give her time, please.

She is so hurt,
And hardly holding on.
But we've got to be one,
We've got to be strong.

To defeat this darkness,
She sees in the mirror.
We must unite,
And find a cure.

Because She is us,
And we are she.
Pick her up,
And set her free."

Her mind began to turn,
And her heart began to beat.
Her soul began to shine,
And She stood on her feet.

And when bad happened,
Her mind knew what to say.
"It's going to be alright,
Tomorrow is a new day."

When her heart started to break,
Her soul held it close.
Giving it strength and hope,
And the love it needed most.

When She saw her body,
Her heart did swell.
Mind whispers, "I'm beautiful."
As her eyes did tell.

And though the darkness,
Lingers here and there.
She is still here,
And she still cares.

Because living is selfless,
And while you all talk.
She can hold her head high,
She can still walk.

You cannot break her down,
She is all in this time.
And her Lord is pleased,
With her heart, body, soul and mind.


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