Comments : Vicariously With You

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    This is genuinely lovely - one of your best, if not THE best. The flow and rhyme are effortlessly done and the way you have artistically displayed the piece is a pleasure to view.

    All the very best as ever,


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Gel, this is absolutely adorable and I know it comes from the heart because I can feel the yearning for this person to be in your life and i know exactly how it feels to want something that it is impossible to have and that when we speak to the person we want in our life it can make it harder knowing we can't have them but just those moments speaking send us into an emotional mess of want, need and love.... Blah if only life was simple and dreams came true, right??

    Title - I like this title though had to look up vicariously as I wasn't sure of the meaning and I feel it fits beautifully with the content of the piece.

    1/ A lovely opening and one which leaves you thinking about life, death, love and pain and I though I am not sure whether this was your intention it's a good thing to have done.

    2/ This is somewhat sad because you may not be worlds apart because you're on the same earth, under the same sun etc yet you cannot have or hold the person you would like too, I know that feeling. Suggestion: As I think the and hold you with my hand seems forced, how about "or walk hand in hand" only a suggestion though.

    3/ Beautiful and I feel actually I know it's so true because in these situations imagination is key.

    4/ At first, I wondered if acrid was meant to be acid or not the. I realised no it's right and can be a horrible demeanour so you don't care about the imaginations whether sugar and spice and all things nice or horrible.. Is what I think.

    5/ A powerful ending and it made me think about you teleporting from where you are into this (I'm guessing mans) persons life and never looking back because the force of love will guide you.


    • 8 years ago

      by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

      Oh Em,

      I was smiling while reading this comment and girl, you can read my mind...Yes, I can say that you're right from the start up to the ending. and again If I can do that teleportation thingy, I will do that right in NOW! hahaha...

      Comment happily appreciated.


  • 8 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Excellent work on this! Just one advice piece _ ride safe on the highway of teleportation! LOL..
    Great job!

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Gel, This is my favourite poem of yours!!! so much so, i have added to my favourites list! The layout is excellent, the content excellent!!

    well done

  • 8 years ago

    by Augustus Black

    A great write.

    I see you have decorated this write with glorifying heavenly bodies. Last two lines is my favorite.

    Hope the unknown powerful force will bring great pleasure and peace. A very powerful and decent poem.

  • 8 years ago

    by Mark

    Lovely poem!

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Gel, such a lovely poem. I'm sorry I missed it when it first came out. Those long distance romances can be hard. You did a wonderful write with this.

    • 8 years ago

      by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

      It's OK Brenda. ..your comment worth the wait. .. lol...yah this is for long distance relationship. felt the message