Missing moments of time

by deeplydesturbed   Jan 11, 2017

with each thought
missing moments
mind racing fiercely
legs begin to quiver
eyes slowly unfocusing
the sudden need to run away
hide the dampness streaming silently.
Worried faces slowly come back to view
laying horizontally on the floor
wondering how I got to this point
why can't I seem to remember
the panic attack I had
reassuringly nod
to my feet I get
and walk away
I go.....



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  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Hey N,

    Love this Double Etheree, i've written a few in my time and i've found that once they're are finished they're almost as rewarding to write as they are to read, word choice and all the blah blah's are spot on and a subject I think many can relate to.

    Awesome write!

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thanks ben! I did see this comment i just forgot to reply! Sorry =(
      Thanks for reading

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    N, this is amazing! Double etheree to boot. I agree, I think punctuation would have thrown the whole vibe of this off. Well done-

  • 8 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    Contrary to what meena said, I think the lack of punctuation is important to this piece. It's a piece touching upon social embarrassment, a public panic attack that you're writing about in haste because of the pain it causes you to endure merely to recollect. I would suggest you go even further and take out all the period/ellipses between go and home, and lowercase home as well. I think it would be harder hitting. The spaces between the word makes the reader wonder what's special about home, and whether home was back to your house or apartment, or more ominous like suicide brought on by the embarrassment of the panic attack (irrational, but rationalizing is difficult during such periods of your body failing you).

    Anyway, your word usage is magnificent and I was throroughly engrossed. Wonderful!


    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Hi S,
      Thank you for your detailed comment. I'm Glad you enjoyed!

      I do hear what you are saying about the word "home", however, I wanted it to stand out, as I felt home is the safe place.. the one special place that offers security and stability.. i just wanted it to stand out as if home was the only place to feel like it wouldn't happen.. if this makes any sense!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is excellent!!


  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    A double etheree and a very good one.

    To be honest, while I see Meena's view, it's one of those that, considering the subject matter, I believe works well as it is. The lack of punctuation adds to the frantic panic of the piece.

    Anyway, it really is very good - Michael's workshop is already producing some great work, isn't it?

    Take care, Naomi

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thank you Benny! And I agree :) his workshop is working very well indeed! I suspect more of these will start popping up!!

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