I cant

by Beautiful Tragedy   Jan 11, 2017

At the beginning of the summer your dad picked you up;
And you left.
No texts.
No calls.
Just a simple goodbye the night before.
I begged you, pleaded with you-
To just talk to me.
Even a 'screw you' would've hurt less than your silence..
I cried, I sobbed, I begged.
I needed you..
And even though you knew it;
you still weren't there.
You sat silently in the background;
Watching as I beat myself up,
Trying to figure out what I'd done wrong.
Trying to figure out how I could get you to talk to me;
Even if all you said was to leave you alone.
But you didn't.
You watched as I drowned in self blame,
Dug my razor into my side;
And cried myself to sleep every night.
You watched as I turned myself into an alcoholic-
As I relied on the alcohol to numb the pain-
And the blade to release it.
When you did come back....
You gave me false hope;
Only then to turn it all on me,
Making me blame myself for your rejection all over again.
You watched as I went downhill,
Using a different kind of poison
To numb the overwhelming
Emotions that completely engulfed me.
You watched as I hurt myself because of you.
You never said a word.
You let me do this myself...
Knowing that it was not my fault you couldn't just tell me how you felt.
I want to hate you- I really do.
Maybe I should.
But I can't.


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Wow, this is so sad and raw. This isn't a turn to the bad is it? I thought things were going good for you two? I'm sorry, I feel your pain and you really did a really good job on this-hugs-

    • 8 years ago

      by Beautiful Tragedy

      It's about an old friend, not my love. I said goodbye to him and just.. god I wish I could hate him after everything. But I can't. Because I've made my own mistakes and I've hurt someone just as much.

  • 8 years ago

    by Golden AnGel Rhapsodist

    Hello there,

    I love this piece and the flow, very realistic. ...



  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is honest and raw full of emotional pain and I can feel it with every word you write as for you not being perfect I believe nobody perfect.


  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    Beautiful.. this is beautiful.. :) i love it. Well done

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    A very powerful piece.

    I've read your reply to Kasie and all I can say is that at least you own up to it and are honest. Some people spend a whole lifetime hurting others and seeing no wrong in their actions or simply not caring.

    Take care,


    • 8 years ago

      by Beautiful Tragedy

      Thank you Ben.
      No. Nobody is perfect, and I do not wish to be remembered by my mistakes. I want to make a difference, but I don't always make the right decisions.