Love, wherever you are

by Milo   Jan 11, 2017

Snow driven thoughts
Like knives marked from
A thousand cold lakes
They hit you when
You are alone
Drowning in your own
Room of Lost Faith

A snow covered floor
Made for your weary head at rest
Surrounded by bare white walls
A reflection of all your guilt and fears
Decaying in misery of sadness

The endless winter of being alone
Trapped and lost inside your head
And I search for the words
That will warm this ravaged soul
Give back life and color
Within every corner of my mind
I want blue skies again
I want to breathe summers fresh air
Laugh and love and live
And everything else it seems I missed

But I'm still here
Sinking deeper into the lonely night
Love is elusive
I'm far away from the peaceful
Dreams that I want
And I want you evermore
Whoever you are
Just know I'm still wandering
Waiting and believing
You are still out there
Looking for my beautiful heart


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  • 7 years ago

    by Milly Hayward

    Another beautiful piece cant wait to read more of your poetry. Milly x

  • 7 years ago

    by Phil

    wow Milo excellent thought provoking work

  • 8 years ago

    by Gem

    I can't even pinpoint what this poem evokes. It's beautiful and i almost want to cry

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