Comments : Ianuarius

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Cassie

    'Ianuarius' - the first month of the Roman calendar. I had an inkling but I confess to googling to confirm!

    Anyway, this is a tremendous and beautifully written piece of free verse from you that simply left me smarting because you don't post more!

    I am aware of your love of nature and as I read this, I couldn't help feeling rather guilty as I am too often one of those who wishes these (often beautiful) winter months away.

    "Live here and now" indeed. A brilliant poem that I will nominate tomorrow.

    I hope you are well and all the very best,


    • 8 years ago

      by cassie hughes

      Thanks Ben. I really appreciate your comments. I know I haven't posted much lately and one of my resolutions is to post more but it is not easy for someone who finds self confidence very difficult to drum up.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Cassie, I understand completely, but you are one of the most eloquent and talented writers on the site and should not be lacking in self confidence. However, I am aware that's easy to say!

  • 8 years ago

    by hiraeth

    I agree with Ben, you should definitely post more. I know I've been lacking with my comments lately, but I'll try to make that my resolution. I love reading your poems. I'll be back to leave a more detailed comment!