Comments : Whiplash (sonnet)

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    I have been away for a few days but what a pleasure it is to come back to an inspirational piece of poetry like this - and no less, a sonnet!

    Take care and well done,


    • 8 years ago

      by Kasie

      Thank you, I just hope it helps people to understand that bullying, whether it's mental or physical is not okay.

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Kasie, wonderful sonnet. Very inspirational taking back what was once yours. For someone who just recently had never written one of these you really are shining. Well done-

    • 8 years ago

      by Kasie

      Thank you, bullying is the cause of my social anxiety and it has been weighing on my mind a lot lately.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Kasie, this is rather saddening but I feel a little optimistic and inspirational too because of the ending as you know you should never have let anyone treat you like sh it but the thing is we always do at least once in our lifes and none of us should but I guess it's the way of life and how society is nowadays, unfortunately.

    1/ Firstly, I have always loved the word incarcerate for some reason lol. The imagery here is fab of the air being uncaring and vile almost like a speech bubble going round with cruel words inside of it. Never let that sparkle be incarcerated for too long.

    2/ Love the imagery here of the cruel name calling taking every ounce of your being because it does. You don't want to things you once loved in fear of them being there etc.. It's horrible and no you cannot forget the pain they caused because it'll always be at the back of your mind, unfortunately.

    3/ We should always stand up for ourselves but sometimes its difficult as bullies prey on the most vulnerable of us and even if we wrapped ourselves up I reckon they'd still be able to smell the vulnerability coming of us lol I hope that makes sense.

    Couplet/ This is a fantastic ending and one that shouts out to me "I may have taken your sh it this long but now I am taking back what you took from me with a fight." And you know what good on you, I hate bullies they ruined my school life and my ex he was a controlling bully too.

    Kudos on a fab sonnet. Hope it's nominated if not already.

    • 8 years ago

      by Kasie

      Thank you for your wonderful comment. What bothers me the most about my past bullies, is the fact that when I see them at a store after 10 years, they talk to me like nothing ever happened. They don't remember what they did and they have no idea how much of an impact it made on my life. They are the reason I fear rejection and always over think about what I want to say. I was just the quiet girl at school that never bothered anyone. I was taught that if I didn't have anything nice to say, to not say anything at all.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    I totally get that Kasie.. I'm not a violent person but you just feel like going up to them and shaking them so they realise exactly what they did. Or is that just me lol