Burned Alive

by Maple Tree   Jan 29, 2017

Can I enrich the sun above,
flavor it with a taste of honey?

Bless the midnight sky with a fond farewell?

Maybe the darkest of nights
are meant for the fallen-
such as I.

I gazed upon an early dawn
with naive eyes; soon realizing
there wasn't enough trees to
shelter me from sunburned lips.

Washing the sting away with
a bucket full of leaches is just
another reason why I abstain
from love and other joys of life.

Do not assume these cryptic verses
mean my heart belongs to no one-

It just means I've grown cold and comfortable
in knowing that Ill always be alone in a room full
of people.


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago


    An interesting write Maple Tree. I liked the creative lines you use 'Maybe the darkest of nights
    are meant for the fallen-such as I.' Such a great way with words!

  • 8 years ago

    by Rose Thorn

    Wow, Andrea this piece is just, wow, your writes, they always have spoken to me, there is such a special quality to your writing, its refreshing, deep, but so beautiful, every word is placed so perfectly. There's sadness, but when you reach the end it has a completely different feel, there's knowledge and peace, while there's still that tone of pain, many can relate to this one.

    I'm a rose thorn in your side,
    Love, A friend x

  • 8 years ago

    by Milo

    Holy shit. its been awhile since I commented on a poem, but this one stands out. There is a subtlety to the emotions that are at play here between these lines. So subtle, it doesn't hit you until the moment passes. When it does, I can only feel sadness. I can only see suffering. I don't fully grasp or understand the beauty that just walked on by. I would have missed it, if I didn't read the poem until the end. Thanks for writing.

  • 8 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Congrats on your front page, such a beautiful piece Maple, you're such a sensitive and sensual person.

  • 8 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Oh, my heart sighs! How I've missed reading your poetry... it feels like forever since I've done so.

    This stanza here:

    "Maybe the darkest of nights
    are meant for the fallen-
    such as I."

    - This sink into my heart. The heaviness of that burden, of that darkness.

    I keep reading again and again those last two lines, because it strikes me how it can be that we can all feel so alone at some point yet be together in these thoughts?

    Powerful, emotive piece as always. Hugs & love sent your way!

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