Comments : Yellow litter (syntuit)

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    I was in need of some clever humour today; our new leonberger puppy gave us a rather trying first night!

    This is excellent. Your imagination with these short pieces is an inspiration to us all.

    Take care,


    • 8 years ago

      by Mr. Darcy

      I bet you could write about your experiences with your new puppy.

      Thanks, for the comment. :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Michael I find your short pieces as intriguing as your long ones and some like have me grinning and I don't even know why hahaha

    I have to agree with evil Ben....err other Ben....(I couldn't resist that one hahaha) you are an inspiration to us!

  • 8 years ago

    by Phil

    Had to laugh at this as it happened to me once though I wasn't seeing birds flying though just dented pride.

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Michael, I needed this today. Thank you! I'm giggling like an idiot, at work, people are looking strange at me, just saying...

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Mr D, you are a funny man aren't you? I was nicely sipping my lukewarm cuppa then read this and firstly I laughed (as you do) then I wondered if this had happened to you or someone you knew or if it was just something your magnificent mind had imagined lol... I think the latter. Anyway...
    Title - this made me (firstly) think for some reason about yellow snow and you know what they say about that, right? Then I looked down at the banana in my hand (seriously) and thought hmm is this what could have killed someone... (concentration face)
    To the poem, those little birds I imagine flying, tweeting, pecking your head (did you like what I did there lol) trying to arose you from your accident and with that saving your pride but failing that they'll leave you there to save your own pride or what little bit you have left lol I say that because when I have slipped before I look around to see no one saw me and if they did I smile to say I am ok and walk away laughing to myself like a maniac this losing the self respect I had currently given myself... And to have fallen on fruit peel, no its not just funny, its hilarious especially if nobody got hurt. To think they say fruit's healthy for us too, it's not, it's far from safe haha.

    Sorry I rambled, Em