Postman for heaven

by Ky   Feb 6, 2017

If heaven had a postal service,
From earth to up above,
That is a job I’d definitely take,
To see the ones I love,
Id personally write a letter,
No matter how long or short,
Just to hand deliver,
And see them every morn.
Like “dear dad I’ve been missing you,
I know it’s been a while,
And though thoughts of you,
Make me want to cry,
The memories make me smile”
Id pack it in my postbag,
And take it straight up high,
Shake his hand and hug him,
And chat the whole day by.
There’d also be “dear Bailee,
I know you cannot read,
But I’m writing you this anyway,
Just so we can meet,
Your Mom and I we miss you,
Oh so very much,
And every word of you that’s said or thought,
Is always filled with love,
We have so much to show you,
For you to shine down on,
Your mother gets more beautiful,
The more that time goes on,
Though heaven forbid you tell her that,
She'll only say you’re wrong,
It doesn’t make her right though,
She just struggled from the start,
To see just what she means to me,
And that she owns my heart,
And did you know that Mia-leigh is working very hard,
Ready for SATs to come?
She likes to draw nice pictures,
That your other sisters love,
Loves dancing, clothes and make-up,
And her bike don’t get me started,
If she could she’d ride from sunrise,
Until the moon comes up.
And Zarah-j she loves to sing,
Big girl songs,
Not nursery rhymes,
And TV and playing,
And not forgetting Kyrah-mae,
She really loves to dance,
She takes care of her dollies,
And loves cuddles at every chance,
Then your brother Stefan,
The little know it all,
Loves space and playing video games,
And mostly dinosaurs,
All of them they love you,
They keep you in their hearts,
And often try to find you,
The brightest of the stars”
Id sign it and I’d seal it,
As soon as it was done,
Id run it straight to heaven,
And read it to my son.
If heaven had a postal service,
As tiring as it’d be,
Id take the job so everyday,
My loved ones I could see.


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  • 8 years ago


    What a great poem you have written Kyle! Yes, I think we would all become postman and talk once again with all those that have passed into Heaven!
    Your poem is very original and carries a message that we would all subscibe to given the chance.
    I liked your poem, and look forward to seeing more of your work. Well done!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This made me well up so much. If only heaven had a postal service, I would take the job too.

    Beautiful but so sad.

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