Love Story

by Sophie   Feb 18, 2017

Waves lapping, Birds tweeting,
Frogs humming, Two hearts beating,
Stomachs flitting, Lips meeting,
Two hearts meld to one,
Underneath the setting sun.

Wind blowing, Hair flying,
Smiles blooming, Fingers twining,
Rings exchanging, Lips claiming,
Their young hearts loving only one,
Right here under the sun.

Tears crying, Love dying,
Hearts torn asunder,
Smiles glow no longer,
Two hearts that were one,
Torn apart with the rising sun.

Young hands twining,
As she slips to the sky,
He doesn't want to say goodbye,
Their three young sons start to cry.

He says goodbye at last,
As he lays her down to rest,
The dirt fills the hole in the ground,
But a cure for his heart could not be found.

Over time the scars went away,
But he thought of her every day,
Then he saw a dear old friend,
Who stood with her until the end.

She could never replace his first love,
Who was smiling down from above,
But he could love her strong snd true,
And she would love his sons too.

White dress billowing,
Many tears spilling,
Love constantly growing,
And continually showing,
As he kisses his bride,
He forgets he cried,
And for a moment,
Everything is perfect!


This poem was inspired after i heard my Opa's (Grandpa's) story.
He was married and had 3 sons when his wife, Josephine, died.
He ended up marrying Josephine's widowed friend. She actually passed
away when I was 2 and he remarried again before he passed away when I
was 10. When I found out that he had lost not one but two wives and still
got married again and was never angry and bitter about it it inspired me
to strive to live a life like his someday. If he were here I hope he would
love my poem.


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago


    I'm sure he would love your poem Sophia! So sad to read though. A good write.

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    I'm sure he really would love this poem, Sophia.

    Well done and all the best,


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