Comments : Wont Let Me POST

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    I forgive you, dear woman! Especially when you come back with wonderful rhyming poetry like this where your loyalty and passion for the site and its people shines through.
    On a technical note, it's great to see quatrains made up of with the difficult rhyme scheme you have employed here.

    Take care and stay well,


  • 8 years ago


    I love this little rhyme with its message to us all deeply disturbed! Brought a smile to my face,
    Well done!

  • 8 years ago

    by Everlasting

    Seems you need some sleep. Working long hours... sleep makes me feel like new. It might help you too.

    Sweet dreams. Keep penning.

    I like the rhymes.

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Everlasting. It was a glitch with the site. I have let the mods know :) and i often suffer insomnia. So as much as i try to sleep i cant.

      Im glad you enjoyed

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    N, wonderful! Your rhyming is spot on and your write tells the struggle you have been dealing with. We have missed you and your writing. As far as friends, I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you sista! Hugs!

  • 8 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    D, no need for apologies. Many people on here, including me push people away. Essentially we don't trust others, so we crawl back into our shells where we feel safe. It's hard - we know. ((Hugs)) x

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    N , this is a fantastic piece and as Mr Pickard said it's sometimes hard to rhyme poetry especially with the scheme you have of aaaa bbbb and so on, I can never really seem to get my head around this rhyme scheme lol

    1/ I will admit I stumbled on the first line but maybe it was me. Personally, I would change the first it to something like 'the last few weeks, I've seen no light' and on the third line works possibly change to working. Just a suggestion.

    2/ As Mr D said we all push people away even more so when we care for them and I often wonder why we do it and I have come to realise we do it because we don't want to hurt them or bring them down with us but with pushing them away we hurt them more.

    3/ There is nothing wrong with rambling ans I personally don't think you do lol you are there for us as we are for you. The rhyming here is fab.

    4/ I can feel the emotion here and when you feel so small no one can seem to help, I have been there.

    5/ We forgive you not that there's anything to forgive.

    Hugs, Em x

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Folks come and go but PnQ is still here :)

    Love this write , there's a great voice in this very honest piece and your rhyming is near perfect.



    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thanks Ben :)

      I will always class PnQ as my family :)