
by Lovely   Feb 21, 2017

When depression takes over...
When it is allowed to consume everything and everyone it ever touches...
It will surprisingly
Allow no room for anything else to grow
Or blossom
Into that individuals life.
No matter how desolate
And inescapable the thoughts turn
 The feelings  will leave you consumed into a dark veil of
It will leave you with no safe haven
Nothing to grasp ahold of
Or ground yourself onto.
Its destruction will leave you with
Silence and heaviness.
And it will leave you with nothing but time.....
For an end..
An end for however you perceive time
And if it's worth waiting for.


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  • 8 years ago


    I liked this poem. It gives a very real insight into what depression is all about and the effect that it has on one. There's no escape from it once it takes hold.
    A very enlightening and description write. Well done.