Love Is Falling, Falling Of The Heart Falling Of The Truth

by Abstract Poet   Feb 21, 2017

Love Is Falling, Falling Of The Heart Falling Of The Truth Poem (Acrostic)

L ove is falling
O ut of an airplane crashing
V ery hard to the ocean current our love
E xploding impack did survive.

I mack woke up swimming
S harks near by tearing apart our love is falling apart so.

F ast I couldn't believe our love is huring so much
A s waves take our love and destroy every
L ast bit of our love we had because now it's
L ost out to sea our love is lost and
I mprision into this large ocean
N ever finding us again
G etting farther away.

F alling apart more
A s my heart try to describe our
L ove is GONE! Doesn't matter if
L ies or the truth is coming from our love
I mprision into this large ocean
N ever finding us again
G etting farther away.

O ut into the ocean drowning our love had to
F ail every moment I feel my heart is saying.

H ell took our love and punish it so hard
E very part is suffering through this pain there is no.

H ealing for this love we had
E ven though my heart isn't lying every word is true
A s clear as the sky showing its true colors
R unning together in the sky making a rainbow heart
T elling the truth our love it won't be easy to say at.

F irst our love was strong
A s a elephant no-one could break this
L ove we had because our
L ove was going to last forever I thought
I n credible things but
N ow I see that our love is nothing as
G arbage been tossed away.

O ver-flow with broken shatter dreams
F alling out of an airplane crashing into the ocean.

T hat our love had to suffer through everything
H alf-way through this love
E ven though my heart is speaking to me.

T he truth how I feel about this love isn't
R eal anymore falling into the ocean drifting away to
U nknown our love is finished no longer together anymore
T he truth hurts because now you know how I feel it
H urts deep into the heart.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Kasie

    Well done on this acrostic. There is such strong emotion and great imagery in this piece.

  • 8 years ago

    by Jyoti Rawat

    wawo! very nice imagination about love.
    I think ,love is imagination we can imagine it as we want and make us happy or sad.
    Good job