Light outside... Darkness within

by deeplydesturbed   Feb 23, 2017

From a distance you can see the light
Shining above her head so bright
Even on the darkest night
Oh it is such a sight

~ She must be an angel ~

As an outsider who is looking in
She seems happy in her own skin
Always wearing the biggest grin
What’s really hidden deep within

~ She feels no pain ~

Who would’ve guessed she didn’t belong
In this world she felt so wrong
Wishing she was dead all along
Even if she seems so strong

~ Help her be free ~

Her darkness inside is well hidden
Her soul is far beyond forgiven
So depressed she’s bed ridden
Loving herself seems forbidden

~ don’t let her hide away ~


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  • 8 years ago

    by Lvi

    I guess the world is a masquerade.....

    Beautiful poem :-)

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Awesomeness. This is such a strong write N your structure and rhyming are spot on and this reads aloud so good, great word choice and I really like the intermittent lines between stanzas' it gives the reader a moment to pause ever so slightly for a brief reflection which, on a subject like this is always good.

    Great write!


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Sorry I missed this. It's beautiful. X

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    I actually did read this a week ago or so and meant to come back and comment, so for that, forgive me!

    As to the content (which is thoroughly well rhymed, by the way), how many of us walk around with a smile on our face, hiding such darkness within? A sobering thought...

    All the best as ever,


  • 8 years ago

    by Ren

    This is beautiful! Awesome job!

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