New Born Baby Trinydee Poem (Loop Poetry)

by Abstract Poet   Feb 23, 2017

Before you read this poem it is very long
because I wrote this in Loop Poetry style.

I couldn't believe the time as gone fast it
was time for someone to come into this
world as new born baby on April 18, 2014.
Trinydee came into this world crying for
her mommy to hold her in her arms looking
at her saying I love you so much. You're
going to bring so much joy and HAPPINESS
In this world hoping you bring so much happiness and love keeping everyone strong
& happy when it was time for them to come home. I couldn't wait to hold little Trinydee in my arms I couldn't wait to speak to her and say you're such a good baby to me. Then I got my chance to hold new born BABY
Lying in my arms your so tiny features
made you look so calm your tiny button
nose and beautiful Blue eyes you were so tired. You didn't make a sound or even cry
a tear out of your eyes because you were looking at me. Then I spoke my words to
you I cradle you in my arms and rock YOU
Slowly in my arms then you look at me with those eyes I notice you were so perfectly
still in my arms you say there on my lab. These angels from the heaven were
watching from above that God and his
angels send down their love for new born baby have just been born into this WORLD
As a small miracle brings so much happiness
and love to this family and you little baby
never made a cry or scream your little head
off. If you were mad but sometimes I wonder
if you'll grow up to be sweetest little girl giving so much love and attention to everyone around you. I smell your SWEET
Perfume of baby powder on you then I
felt your hair touching my skin your
beautiful black hair touching me. You
were so perfect in my arms I want to say
I love you, Trinydee because you're my
great niece stay sweet happy for everyone
will be smiling at you Trinydee New Born Baby Trinydee.

Dedicated to: My great niece Trinydee
Someday she will read this poem about
her, she will thank me for writting this
Poem I love you, Trinydee.


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