Love Is The Cure Poem (Acrostic)

by Abstract Poet   Feb 27, 2017

L ove can make you sick to your stomach
O n-going through the night you feel
V ery nauseous then you begin to vomit
E ven though you have this wound.

I T seems that you are seeking out for
S omething to cure your illness but only.

T hing can make you feel lot better is his touch of love can
H eal your illness instantly then you can
E mbrace his touch of love.

C ausing your illness to disappear
U nderneath these covers cuddling with him then
R ubbing your back will make you feel lot better
E ven though his touch has cured you.


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  • 8 years ago


    Clever poem Abstract Poet! Yes Love is the cure without a doubt!