in the eyes of Ayasha

by Dancing Rivers   Mar 1, 2017

In the storm blue eyes of my daughter
I saw the love of God shine on me.
Each day she fills me with wonder
and tears of love and joy stir within me.

This tiny bundle of perfection
that grew slowly, from the romancing of two seeds
has brought upon me, a spirit of reflection
as I contemplate each day, on all of my deeds.

In the fragile, petal-soft hands of Ayasha
I feel the soft caress of all whom I've loved
and with a gentle cry of love, she heals my every scar
this little crystal child is my gift from above-

the evidence is in the blessings-
I've received since her birth.

When I say your name my angel, my heart sings.

thank you for choosing me as your mommy on this earth.

* dedicated to my beautiful blue-eyed daughter, my dream come true*


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  • 8 years ago

    by Shruti

    Ayasha - such a sweet name! And such a sweet poem. Lovely...!

  • 8 years ago

    by Phil

    This is beautiful and personally I feel it needs nominating. A lease of new life is always perfect though I am told they grow way too quickly. Congratulations, I saw on the post in the discussion board that this was recent.

    • 8 years ago

      by Dancing Rivers

      thank you very much phil. Oh yes she is already growing right under my nose, it's exciting and heart wrenching all at once, she is my little blessing and as her name means, she is my little one, my well blooming flower and she will always be till the day we are both dust and ashes