'Bottoms Rock'

by Michael   Mar 1, 2017

My final card
I laydown,
which bears a familiar,
but an ominous frown!

At the table,
rock bottom takes
its place.
It turns its card
to reveal an ace.

With an empty hand
I am unable to continue
this game,
my only prize,
is regretful shame.

Struggling to stand
I slowly rise
rubbing my weary
exhausted eyes.
I shuffle away from
the baize of fate
head-bowed towards
the gate.
I enter this into
an alien crypt,
my emotions feel
crippled and ripped!

here I am at
'Bottoms Rock'
A shuddering slam
behind me, the door
does lock!
This door is transparent
made of glass so dense,
a depth to which I have
no sense.

I can see myself as
I peer through,
for I also dwell
in that world too!

I look trapped within
a formidable maze,
the grass my
errors, upon which
I graze.
Along the paths,
I run and weep
my exits to high
for my faith
to leap.

I want to be free
from this sphere
to help me out there
which I cannot from here!

For now, I have time
to serve at this
this unwelcome retreat,
its a process to learn
of my self defeat.

The transparent door
with a mirroring image
of me,
will give hope and strength
for a clearer vision
I hope to see.

So upon my journey
watch this space.
while I visit
'Rock Bottoms'


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Michael

    Thanks again for your comments Ben

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    This is awesome, your meter and word choice are spot on and it flows like water on glass.



  • 8 years ago

    by Ren


    This is excellent! Not only is your rhyming impeccably smooth, but the content is full of so much emotion that weaves in and out perfectly through your words and imagery that the reader can connect instantly and feel these emotions as well. The trials of hitting rock bottom can be dark and discouraging, but towards the end of the poem you show that desire and determination to get through this rough patch and become that clearer image of hope and strength you long to see.

    A wonderfully brave and emotional write that I read through several times and can relate to.

    Amazing job!

    Nominated :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Love your rhyme pattern Michael!

    You have written about a place I ventured to several years back...To write of such darkness is hard to do and yet needs to be realease...Truly admire this peice!

    I really enjoy your writing!!

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