Using My Senses

by Maple Tree   Mar 4, 2017

Would you like to see what I see?

Deep in the meadow of a New York frosting
births a patch of trees,
along a dirt road in the middle of somewhere.

Leaves that grow spider veins
from a rooted stem,
plucked from it's mother
as soon as color came to her cheeks.

The smell of Mary Jane dances within
late winter's chill-
(the neighbors are free spirits)
and it's an earthy thing to do...

The world around me has eyes
as wide as the Gulf of Mexico-
but sorrow screams from the tears
they hold as captives.

The mind is a dungeon
full of secrets they never speak of,
continuing on as if I never noticed a thing.

I'm an observer of whispers
and in love with earth tween my toes..

I remain grounded while they float
upon sugary clouds;

and at night I talk about it in poetry....


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  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Syrup.....not much to say other than daaamnnn. Seriously yoir imagery is so vivid it's ridiculous.

  • 8 years ago

    by Shruti

    This poem captures those little things that make this world so beautiful...and often that inspire every poet...artist.
    Such a pleasurable read, with soft visual beauty. Simply very lovely! :)

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Andrea, this is stunning! Your visuals have transported me right to this spot, I am totally immersed with you on this walk. As always, blown away from your write. Bravo!

  • 8 years ago

    by Ren

    This is wonderful!

    I love the picture you paint so vividly for us to see...amazing imagery! As your title says, I was using my senses with every line read...the smells, the images, the feeling of earth between my toes...

    A beautiful write through and through!

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