It's known that things don't always turn out the way you want it to.
While the sun may rise and set as predicted, the matters of the heart seldom do.
Strangers-friends- lovers-back to strangers, some unfortunate of us get caught in this painful cycle.
I write so you may read what I never could speak.
I write for you and pour my soul into this for you
Granted my words don't always work in favor of ur ego
My words can be hard, bitter, heart wrenching candor
I delve in the deepest darkest part you would never care to venture
You may wonder why I do what I do
Why I call you to me only to pull you out like a weed
Is it because I revel in your pain, that deep down I enjoy it
That I may want to see you suffer like those mindless kids that play with stray beasts
Poke it where it hurts
stab it, see what it does
Honey, You make me sound like a cruel sadist
There is no light without darkness
Shadow does fall somewhere
A pretty thing like me
Could be just the thing that destroys mindlessly
Do you still dare be with me
Linger around, see the worst side of me
Look in my big brown eyes and tell me what you see
I am not shy,I will look back unapologetically
Do you the detect the hint of madness that lies
or are you fooled by these pretty doe eyes
Do they reflect your darkness mingled with mine
You are mistaken, if you ever though I'd be kind
Way to my heart wont ever be easy
Riddles puzzles mazes
Have you second guessing constantly
Baby tell me do I still seem worth it?