Leave me be

by Bewitched   Mar 9, 2017

In the hunt of yesterday
Less is gained, much is lost
Would you not be content with what you have
Must we fight to grasp what slips from our hands

A right way overturn a billion wrongs
You were mine
Now keeping you feeling like a crime
Our worlds collide yet never combine
Your love like a ray of light
But now fallen like dusk
A bitter musk

Take your heart of stone
And blackened soul, Go!
And leave me be
Let go of this hold over me
Let me breathe
Unclench this grip you keep in my chest
Be my salvation, not my test
I beg


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  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    When it gets to this point, some things are best released.

    Well written.

    All the very best,
