Coming out of the dark (part I)

by Poet on the Piano   Mar 10, 2017

The evening of…

Please don’t listen to him, mama,
his words are just assumptions.
No matter how often I affirm that
this is not a phase I’ll get over,
he still shouts that it’s proof my
mental illness is getting worse…

Please, mama, don’t be afraid to
talk to me; don’t treat me differently.
I’m still the girl with the loud laugh
and love for dogs that exceeds all
other loves.
I’m still your daughter.
And I know you hate hearing about
change, about the realness of the world,
the raw truths you never grew up with.

I’m sorry to hurt you.
I’m sorry you’re devastated.
But I’m not going to apologize
for who I am.




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  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Hi, I can tell this is personal I am not going to write a massive comment with an explanation of how it makes me feel apart from that I know it makes me feel this deep sadness within. You are who you are and if people (including family) don't like it then they are undeserving of your time
    All the best, Em

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    I'm gutted by this write-very personal, and I can only thank you for sharing-hugs-

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