To Those Who Chose to Leave

by Liz   Mar 12, 2017

You missed the sunrise today.

It rose slowly.
Exposing vibrant yellows and
warm reds and
subtle hues of blue.

It rose as it has
every day before,
but it wasn't the same.

Had you realized
that no sunrise would have been
the same as yesterday's...

Had you endeavored through
your darkest night,
you may have seen its light.

But I will always wonder
if you would have found solace
in today's sunrise.


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  • 7 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Judging comment:

    Not only has this piece captivated a large portion of PnQ this week, but it has also made it's mark on the hearts and minds of many. With imagery so clear that there is no mistake in the scene, and a tone of voice that is both gentle and startling, Poetess has reminded those around her that depression, dark times, and really any other difficult day are just minor experiences they do not hold us back from our potential and they do not taint the beauty of the world around. For such a brief write, this is stunning. So phenomenal that not being recognized this week would be a tragedy.

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    The night always resembles the struggles of life and the morning gives another hope. This is so greatly pictured here. This is so beautifully penned, Poetess. Congrats on the win.

  • 7 years ago

    by ddavidd

    You must be painter ( so many poets are) to draw this colourful picture with words.

  • 7 years ago

    by Lost One

    So beautiful. If the sylable count were different they could almost be considered a series of haikus.

  • 7 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Ohhh this poem sank my heart, such beauty mixed with tears....Ugh...Very pretty

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