Comments : Saved

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    Personally, I'm an atheist but I genuinely envy anyone who has found the comfort and faith that you seem to have done.
    Nicely written and well rhymed throughout.

    All the best,


  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Hi, I really like this because though raw it's honest and relatable for many of us who are on site and who aren't and well rhymed which I like.

    1/ When all we have known is heartache, pain and misfortune on a daily basis we seem to forget ourselves in this mask of darkness that seems to surround us and even when we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and things begin going good it doesn't help us feel whole I think until we have someone that loves us at our best and our worse. I love the fact that even though you've picked yourself up and stitched yourself together that you never realised that you needed this person and it made me wonder who this person was.

    2/ Then he we have the answer to the questions I guess most of us would ask in part 1.. Who you didnt know you needed and it's Christ. Many people in times of need turn to God and some to self destruction. I know which I'd prefer even though I'm atheist.

    Well done on a this piece.

  • 7 years ago


    I absolutely love it Shelby! It tells the truth and the Truth is a person, not a Religion, this person Jesus we both love and serve. Born Again from above, chosen by God through His Love.
    Will add to my Favorites!