Comments : Worlds Collide

  • 8 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    I'm sorry folks, I woke with this in my head and had to finish it. Feel like I'm flooding the site with my random thoughts.

    I will try again to sleep. Sorry once more

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse


    Nominated. right off the bat.


    • 8 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Epic made me chuckle dude but thank you,

  • 8 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    I will never tell you all of me,
    For that's for you to find,
    All the joys and all my passions,
    There are still treasures I hide.

    ^^This is one of the good things about a relationship, rather then telling
    and come straight off as a self centered person, its best to leave certain things
    for the other to find for that is when we learn to appreciate a relationship.

    I'll never truly figure you out,
    And you'll never entirely figure me.

    ^^Even after many years we will still be trying to figure out the
    other me its endless!

    So we plot and trace to find a path,
    Something, that will work.
    You know sometimes we're going to clash
    But welcome to my world.

    ^^The truth simply put yes there will be clashes as differences
    starts to show but that is the learning process of a relationship take it
    or leave it.

    It's not always a pretty place,
    Sometimes a storm will blow.
    The art of a relationship
    Is knowing when to let things go.

    ^^Wise let it go is the most difficult but sometimes
    one needs to know how to do that or it will lead to the ruins of a

    Planets move and circulate
    Revolving around each other,
    The dance eternal will never stop
    They're not planets

    They are lovers

    Simply love this ending it really finishes off the poem in a meaningful way. Planets are
    always revolving around each other like lovers...nicely penned!

  • 8 years ago

    by Ren

    "It's not always a pretty place,
    Sometimes a storm will blow.
    The art of a relationship
    Is knowing when to let things go."

    YESSSS!!! Love it, love it, LOVE IT!

    Truly remarkable write from you here! You speak words so true...I kept wanting to raise my hand while reading this and scream "preach!"
    And maybe I did...once or twice.

    Amazing job and a well deserved nomination! :)