Comments : I Am An Idiot

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Laughed my ass off!!

    I'm.having trouble keeping up with your poems but I'm glad I stopped by this on I don't know why but I had an moment where I though "kebab" loved it!!

    Added to favs


    • 8 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Sorry I have little brain flashes every now and then, I can go for weeks writing nothing other than a tittle and other times I just waffle on.

      But I seriously should not eat pastry, or batter.

      But sometimes ya just gotta

      Dude stay away from the kebab, there is nothing in those things that belongs of this earth

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    I am such a sucker, I fell for this completely and for some reason I thought........
    oh you know what I'm not even going to say apart from my mind went to the gutter and I need to drag it back out haha!!!
    I have to say it made me laugh though at the end and I like the fast sort of pace which with the ending made me think "will he make it to the loo or not?" Sorry I just imagined with yo indulging having to rush there lol. I'm weird I know!!!

    • 8 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      I totally laughed at your comment here. The loo situation is not an issue, but at 5'8" and pretty slim I feel like I've got a medicine ball stuffed in my stomach

    • 8 years ago

      by Em

      Ouch! You have my sincerest sympathy x

  • 8 years ago

    by deeplydesturbed

    haha i was fooled!
    well done!

    • 8 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      I like to throw a little curve call now and then lol

  • 8 years ago

    by Ren

    I think reading everyone's comments on this is just about as entertaining as reading the poem itself!
    This is awesome! Gave me a much needed laugh :)

    • 8 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      I'll be honest, I knew exactly what I was doing with this one.

      I was in a quirky mischievous mood and thought "right let's have some fun".

      So I went fishing, managed to reel a couple in too lol.

      Some of the stuff I write is quite dark so it's nice to play with words in this way. I hope people enjoyed the read as much as I did the write.
