We Write Life Not Poetry (kindred)

by CJ Maleney   Mar 22, 2017

I don't think I write poetry.
Though sometimes I write rhymes.
I write life and experience,
Though I get submerged at times.

I do not write to offend,
And I do not write to shock.
I write so I remember things,
Or the thought processes be lost.

I scribble things down on paper.
But mostly on my phone.
It's a simple way to do it,
When your miles away from home.

I do not write for credit
And not for some fake fame.
I write my thoughts and fears
Or they'll be lost along the way.

Sometimes they're not easy!
Not pleasing on the eye,
But I write down all these things
I write things that make me cry.

So question why I do it?
To open myself to the critique?
It's not something I've thought about,
It's simply part of me.

So many of you are the same,
You live your life in words.
It's nice to see some kindred souls
Who don't follow the herd.

So all those things you think,
Let them loose, for you should share.
Not every one will get it,
Not everyone will care.

We write our lives together.
Sometimes we feel that we are dammed,
But it's what we do, it's who we are.
The rest can't understand.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Wayne Gates

    Wow. You just described me!
    I can relate to the verse "I do not write for credit
    And not for some fake fame.
    I write my thoughts and fears
    Or they'll be lost along the way."
    This is so true "Not everyone will get it, Not everyone will care."
    I also write life and experience. It is how I work through the jumble of thoughts in my mind.
    I added this to my favorites.

    • 8 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      Sorry it's taken a while to reply, busy day dealing with the after effects of some fluffy white stuff that fell out of the clouds.

      I think many write from experience. Sometimes love, sometimes loss and sometimes elation.

      The bulk of mine are written as such, although I take a flight of fancy every now and then and give my imagination a little play time.

      The serious things people write will not realistically give any solace, but sometimes just by getting it out of your head you create a little space.
