Cleansing of the house

by deeplydesturbed   Mar 23, 2017

Body shaking ever so slightly
Blood rushing through the veins
This isn’t a thing to take lightly
Pulling hard against the mental strains

With you I’ve shed my share of tears
We’ve had our moments of fun
With you adding courage I’ve faced my fears
Without having to turn and run

Tonight however with a little doubt
I must take a step and rid of you (all)
Open your lids and tip you out
Down the sink your deliciousness shall fall

My mind screams out words of hate
As my heart begins to sink
It’s time for me to clean the slate
I’ve had my final drink


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  • 8 years ago

    by Ren

    Taking that first step down the path of recovery and to a clean slate is always the hardest. It takes so much courage and determination to take that first step...and I have complete and total faith that you will continue to put one foot in front of the other, and never look back.

    Much love and strength to you, Naomi!

  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Nominated. Period.

    • 8 years ago

      by deeplydesturbed

      Thank you Ben. you are far too kind to my ramblings...
      I hope you have a lovely day / night.

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Nams, those first steps are the hardest. Having dealt with the other side of addiction I can totally identify with your struggles. I am rooting for you! Nothing worthwhile is easy, this is definitely worth all the hell you may go through to come out the other side. Hugs my friend!

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Naomi - great write. I'll try and remember to come back to this when I don't have to make the kids' lunch!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Naomi all I can say is thank you for sharing and good luck on this journey, I have faith you can do it, hugs x x x

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