Comments : Sorrowful Winds

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is another fabulous write from you and a rhyming one too which is reads very smooth and is unforced so I applaud you on that :)

    1/ This makes me wonder if this is a lost love or have you most a loved one, though the word shadows and ghostly make me believe that this is about losing someone due to death though I can't be sure.

    2/ The descriptions here are wonderfully sad and tripped at my heart. I imagine a person laying there or kneeling (though maybe not praying) with their hands over their face as they know their emotions and then the tears begin falling and they cannot stop them. When we have loved one so much losing them any way can hurt like hell.

    3/ This made me shudder like someone had walked over my grave though maybe its just me being cold lol. Beautiful imagery once again.

    4/ A sad but beautifully done ending. I feel here that nothing will be the same at it won't unfortunately because this person meant a lot to you... I can totally relate like many others I guess.

    Take care, Em x

    • 8 years ago

      by Lyical Madness

      Hi Em,

      I love your feedback & always encourages me to think of the reader :) thank you.

      In response to your comments, yes the loss is of one that has passed away, but also for those life changing losses like break ups that leave us forever changed. It is that type of deep aching hurt that is difficult to put into words, I was surprised when the words came to me to allow their escape.

      Very accurate, not praying but in that moment of devastated grief, as your face crumples & you have no way to stop the flood of emotions that hit you like a freight train.

      Nothing will be the same, but growth through loss is a powerful way to remember our loss & strive to live as fully as we can.

      Brenda- thank you too for your words, they mean a lot also x

      Love to all x

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Such a sad write beautifully done. Your visuals are amazing. Well done-

  • 8 years ago

    by Nicko

    Another nice write, one of loss and sorry, nice rhyme and meter, packed full of emotion. One question “Trickling of the face” should that be “off” otherwise great read…..

    • 8 years ago

      by Lyical Madness

      Yes I don't know how to edit it once I posted it...joys of dyslexia!!

  • 8 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Emma as always this is amazing

    Craig x

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Some beautiful visuals coupled with some soft and soothing alliteration scattered throughout the piece made this a pleasure to read.

    All the very best,
