Lost for Words

by Biancas Veil   Mar 24, 2017

My mind juggling day to day tasks,
I lost the outlet for my emotions,
My hurts and happiness.

I want to write again but never knowing where to start,
The words don't flow a freely as they once did,
Every sentence turns out wrong.

In the last year I have started so much for it just to be erased,
Penned so many words just to throw them away,
The loosing battle I never shared.

Not being able to transfer my thoughts to paper,
How I have missed it and wish it easy once
Trying again and relearning myself as I go.

I'm struggling to write this and realise I have to start somewhere,
My writing is my own and I don't need others to validate my words,
Im writing for my self to release my hurts and share my happiness.

Finishing is as good a place as any to start.


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  • 8 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Love this! Completely relatable and very honest, word choice and flow of spot on too



  • 8 years ago

    by Ren

    "I'm struggling to write this and realise I have to start somewhere,
    My writing is my own and I don't need others to validate my words,
    Im writing for my self to release my hurts and share my happiness.

    Finishing is as good a place as any to start. "

    Oh this is excellent! You portray the anguishing feelings of terrible writers block so well! I understand this trial completely... I struggle all the time to get stuff down on paper... and it can be so darn frustrating! You are absolutely right though...your writing is your own and you do not need anyone to validate your words! Write from the heart and do what makes you happy...it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

    Well done :)

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