The Celestial Ball

by Alex Penuelas   Mar 24, 2017

Two bodies,
one Large and one Small,
came together at the
celestial ball.

The Larger,
jubilant and radiant,
hosts the party.

All of his guests
he adores,
and they all
gravitate towards
his exuberance.

He has danced with all,
large and small,
and he considers them
all to be
great friends.

there was this
one little person
he has never seen before.

He gleefully cheered
as he saw
the Smaller.

But as he approached her,
he noticed something
peculiar about her
that he had not
seen before.

The Smaller,
pretty as she was,
was nevertheless in

Her pores were
riddled with scars
that were heavily
bombarded by the
dastardly devilish meteors
that were flung at her
relentlessly outside the
walls of the ball.

These collisions caused her
so much pain that she
bellowed out tears of
fire and ice,
encompassing the entirety
of her persona.

Saddened by the
anguish of the smaller,
the Larger reached
out to her
and invited her
to his celestial ball.

As he reached out to her,
his radiance
infected the Smaller
with life such that
no one has
ever seen before.

She grew trees on her body,
filling her with
colors throughout the seasons
that rivaled the brilliance
of the Larger.

On those trees grew
birds and
bees and
tiny little seeds.

Her tears
turned into
the great seas
and the continents.

And her
new love for the
gave birth to a
plethora of beasts,
both grand and small.

All of whom
danced their earthly dances
as their mother
danced her dance
with their father.

As they dance
their eternal annual waltz,
they do separate
from time to time,
as the Larger
exchanges her with
the partners around him.

in turn,
dances in the ball
with her son,
a little grey child
who gleefully cheers
as she lifts him up
and carries him
around and around,
much like his father
carries her.

And yes,
the Larger has his fun
with his friends all around him.

But when
the Smaller is
very far from him,
he takes
every moment
he can get
to glance at her
and the children
they bore.

He smiles,
and gently whispers,
"My Aphelion. I cannot wait to feel your embrace again."


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Therapoetic4

    Dare I say this poem was "stellar"?
    Joking aside, a really nice poem/origins tale. Lots of great symbolism.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    This is excellent!!!

  • 8 years ago

    by Ren


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