Battle Scars

by CJ Maleney   Mar 27, 2017

Every scar I carry,
Reminds me of a war.
A few of them you can see,
But there are many more.

From head to toe I carry them.
Not thinking from where they came,
Most I have forget about
Then others cause me pain.

I do not have control of them
They will hurt or they will not,
I'd rather feel the pain of them
Than the memory be lost.

Everyone carries their own scars,
Some wear them on their chest.
There are scars that you cannot see
But f@#k me they exist

You wear the scar, you wear the badge
You suffered your ordeal
Would you honestly erase that scar,
Pretend it wasn't real?

So you have your scar, you have your badge
And yes you're still alive
Stronger than you think,
One bee within a hive.

Touch it with your fingers
Fell the texture and it's rough
One scar for millions of people,
we grow strong and we grow tough.

You're not alone, none of us are,
You're a member of a club.
Millions of us are in it,
We are the ones who stood

For every member of the armed forces and every family that has suffered the touch of cancer.


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Latest Comments

  • 8 years ago

    by Ren

    A beautifully written poem full of power and truth... with an even more beautiful dedication! Fantastic job!

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    I have read this a few times now and I have to say in its simplicity its beautiful and ad all at once and I'm glad its nominated. We all have scars, some visible others not so much but they make us stronger, definitely.

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Craig, powerful write, wonderful rhyming all the way through. I come from a family that has served so this definitely struck a cord with me. Thank you for this and thank you for serving. Well done-

    • 8 years ago

      by Em

      Brenda you beat me again lol...

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