Never Said Good-Bye

by Angie   Mar 28, 2017

Never Said Good-Bye

Hi Daddy
It’s me

It’s 3:40 and I’m on my way home
I wish you’d answer your phone
I really need to hear your voice

I miss our conversations
Especially the part about
“I’m the same as I was yesterday,
You pain in the ass”

I know you were tired
And wanted to go be with mom
But I just want to be selfish right now
A girl needs her Daddy you know

I wish you were here
I want to see you one more time
Give you a hug

My heart hurts
And my eyes leak

I never got to say good-bye

I love you Daddy
I love you too Kiddo

RIP Daddy
Until we meet again
Forever in our hearts


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  • 7 years ago

    by Natalie84

    Been feeling like I need to let the pen take control the last few weeks. I'm on my way back. This here angie.... this is real. Can't even say any more. Love you

  • 8 years ago

    by Ren

    Oh this is so sad and such a beautiful tribute to your dad. I am so sorry for your loss!

  • 8 years ago

    by Brenda

    Angie, very powerful and sad. I lost my dad when I was 7. I always wondered what it would of been like with him and I as adults. Thank you for sharing this, I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs-

    • 8 years ago

      by Angie

      I am sorry for your loss and thank you, hugs

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Firstly I want to say I am glad this is nominated. It was rather emotional and when I read it I should have been working and ended up causing to the loo for some tissue, my goodness it hit a cord with me. I haven't lost my father but we don't really talk, he hates me (long story) anyway the last time I saw him his new gf told me he needed to stop drinking or he will die but he hasn't so only time will tell. Again, I'm a blubbering mess. I really shouldn't read this kind of stuff but I know he would be proud. Hugs x

    • 8 years ago

      by Angie

      sorry, hopefully your dad will heed those words and stop, all the best to you and thank you

  • 8 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Oh gawd I'm bawling....

    Ang, your father was a beautiful, loving man...Treated me with kindness and teased me ... I adored him....

    I love the pure elegance of your pen....You pour out raw beauty within your writing....Such a beautiful lady, I love you

    • 8 years ago

      by Angie

      I love you Sunshine

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