Insanity Is My Friend

by CJ Maleney   Apr 4, 2017

Insanity used to be a friend of mine
But he stood up and went to wars
He marched on while I marked time.
I grew stale and I got bored,

He knew exactly what he wanted,
But this other part did not.
So part of me put on those boots
While the other part got lost.

Part strode on and seen the world.
Another part stayed behind.
But it stayed in soul, not body,
For you can't ignore those ties.

Sometimes the insanity of life
Takes us in its hold.
We sometimes loose our grip of things,
And our cards we want to fold.

We make our choice and decision
Be It right or be it wrong.
Torn between two minds and options,
Yet we all still soldier on.

Time flies past as does the world.
Many things said and done
But the parts must join together again

You must be whole once you are home!


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Latest Comments

  • 7 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Again you totally threw me, you view things in a rather unique way. I would never have guessed


  • 7 years ago

    by BlueJay

    Judging Comment:

    This piece is interesting, the title is catchy and creative and the word choice was very well played with and utilized. The rhymes did not feel forced and the energy in this piece stayed strong throughout the entire thing (which was remarkable because it made me forget the length of this and how slightly off-putting that was at first.) A story was definitely told here, and not just that, it was also told extremely well, with lots of voice and heart. Absolutely nothing about this piece seemed unnecessary, or out of place, which was amazing. All in all, this was a great piece.

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    A great write, Craig. The ending just hit home.

    • 7 years ago

      by CJ Maleney

      My you have been busy today, I find it interesting, and humbling when someone comments on something I've written especially when it's way back in the depths of my twaddle.

      Glad you liked it and even more so that it perhaps meant something


  • 7 years ago

    by Ren

    Oh this is excellent!! Your rhyming is spot on and the flow is wonderful!

    Awesome awesome awesome job, Craig!!

  • 7 years ago

    by CJ Maleney

    Thank you all for your comments. They are humbly received.

    Most of the things I share kinda write themselves, they flow freely and are written very quickly.

    Not the case with this one! The bones of it have been niggling in my head for ages but it just wouldn't find its voice. That it has now means I've a little more space up there.

    Also that it's given a couple of you a couple of minutes pleasure, I find warming

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