The Haircut Poem

by Michelle   Jul 9, 2004

Sweet little things you do
A haiuh cut just for me
I never knew before
How happy I could be
We talk and laugh together
And then a more serious talk
We both want to work it out
So neither of us balks
Basically it boils down to this
There are things we didn't know
But as we learn more about the other
I think our feelings will only grow
The only reason these affect us
Is because we didn't know them before
But as we've learned when God closes a window
He then opens up a door
He wouldn't have brought us all this way
Just to let us down in the end
He's given us meaning to our lives
Provided us with a lifelong best friend
Our time together is precious
I love every moment that we spend
And as I write this to you now
I hope you feel the love I send
You're everything that's good to me
I truly couldn't ever ask for more
So please, Craig, remember this
To you I now implore...
You're like the air I breath now
I need you to survive
And as long as my heart is beating on this earth
So will my love for you still be alive.

I love you so much, I'm overjoyed that we're together...and when we can be together every day, the rest of our lives it will be a feeling like I've never known before. My only wish at this moment is that you didn't ever have to leave anyone you love behind. I truly do understand the sacrifices you make and I'm so very grateful. always yours baby, xxxMich


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  • So beautiful poem. I wish one day i can also feel the same. You guys are going to be together for ever. So many do wish like that, with you. I hope all the visa problems are getting solved. I pray rules won't effect you in anyways. :) Also thanks for your comments... Love, Trincy.

  • 20 years ago

    by PnQ Mod Account

    Wonderful, Michelle! But why leave it in internet slang..if you did that to get by the spell checker, you can go in to edit and switch it back over to love and it will accept it.

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristina K

    Magnificent poem, Michelle. It is great that you two are finally together. Your poems are always heartfelt and I enjoy reading's like, a way of keeping me updated on what's been happening with with you and Craig =) Anyways, you do a wonderful job in writing your poems. Hope to hear from you soon!
    Take care!