Beware the Parasite in the Nest,
The one who claims
To come to you
With good intentions
But quickly departs
When the going gets tough.
The one who says
That they will always
Be there for you,
But will disappear
Once you can
No longer provide
Any benefits to them.
The one who feigns love
If that's what it takes
To get something
Out of you.
The one who
Wants to place
All of their problems on you,
But share none of their advice
When you come to them.
Beware the Parasite in the Nest.
Avoid such a creature,
For it can only exist
If you allow it to exist.
It's whole purpose is to
Consume all that is you,
And to discard you
Like a used wrapper
For a chocolate bar.
Never associate yourself with such a creature,
For it will only bring you
And a shell of the beautiful person
That you really are.