Facebook Now Hiring:

by Scott Cole   May 9, 2017

Social media my tagged butt
Front office said the jobs a breeze,
Said the job will grow on you
Yeah, just like an incurable disease.

All these hard sleepless nights
Just to get my name smeared,
But the pay is definately better
More so than a part time volunteer.

Hash tag this, hash tag that
I'm sick of all this hash tagging,
But everyone knows I'm the man
With feelings that's never lagging.

Personally I like my own space
Where I can breathe and think,
Not a beacon like a post it note
Someone's bright idea in a blink.

My ancestors from years back
Wearing their timely neon colors,
A long forgotten moment in time
But I'm no way like them others.

I'm a crossing guard on social media
Or a letter head on a glass message,
Hiding behind my dark sunglasses
To shield you of my raw wreackage.

So I throw my two crosses in the air
And I scream, oh please Lord,
I should have kept my first job
As a simple tic tac toe board.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Michael

    Nice write Scott
    Never been on FB, which I'm happy with :)
