Hey daddy, I didn't see you standing there
I can barely see your face but I see your shadow,
That Colorado Sun is killing my eyes
But I'm still able to see you though.
Yeah son, your really growing up on me
Your becoming a man before my very eyes,
And I've been watching you from afar
One day son, I'll be as proud as I can be.
Just so you know my son, your my rockstar
Oh daddy stop it, you know I hate the flute,
You have always called me that
Well yes son I have, but it is the truth.
When I was coming up in this World
You were all that I ever dreamed for,
I wanted a boy to carry my name like I have
A young hearted successful man I can adore.
Well son, as I look back now I was wrong
I never got that dream that I wanted,
But daddy , you just said that you did
I know son, but at that second I was daunted.
What are you truing to say then daddy
Well my son, you were more that I had wished,
You were that, all those many years back
Those days I was working and missed.
I never really got to see you grow up, son
Into a great man and a fine gentleman,
That very man I see standing here now
As sure as this spot upon which I stand.
Daddy, hey daddy, thank you for those days
That you kept your hands dirty for me,
I should have hugged you a whole lot more
As much as father time would allow.
That next split second the alarm crowed
I rolled over and looked around my room,
The Sun from the window was blinding me
But clearly in the shadows stood a dusty broom.