To who ever cares
Im so sorry
I cant take it any more
Im tired of people thinking im worthless
Im tired of them mocking me
I.m tired of them isolating me
Im tired of everything
It started to feel noarmal that it happened ever day
I stoped caring about lots of thing like
How i look
How i act
How i do anything
I started to give up and exepted that im worthless and stupid and i should not even be alive
I understand why people hat me because i started hating me to
I started makeing dumb decisions likeget involved With an older man in hope he could take me away from everything
But that just mad it worse i mad the only ones close to me make them look down upone me
I messed up alot of things i just whish i could say good by but i tried many times
And i have a canvas to prove it
I just wish i had not done it
So im sorry if you hate me because i do to im sorry