
by Liz   Jun 6, 2017

Funeral homes are colder than usual
in late spring,
but they are always sad.

It's a family reunion
full of strange faces.
Some smile,
some cry,
but they always wear black.

Wives are widowed
and sons write apologetic letters,
but the daughters with regrets
cry the hardest.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Liz

    Thanks, guys. And Em, you were pretty spot on!

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    I don't know what to say. The last two lines are too much.

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Though this is a very sad write which left me with a tear in my eye like the majority of your work it was really well done and I know most have been here but this seems like a personal and raw write which makes me believe you have been through this recently which I will apologise for as it's never nice.

    1) yes, these places are always sad and nothing will ever make us get our heads around the emotional feelings that radiates from them.

    2) This makes me sad as it's so true because there will always be people within the family that only show up at these places thus 'strange faces' most will be sad and wear black others will be happy and I often wonder are they happy to see those strange places, masking their tears or I dread to think and it sounds harsh so I'm sorry but 'glad to see the back of them?'

    3) this hit me the hardest especially the last line because I know I will be one of these, even though I tried my hardest with my dad as I will always feel I didn't try enough, when my dad passed.

    Much love and thanks for sharing. I wish I had a nomination left!!


  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    'but the daughters with regrets cry the hardest'


    I found the whole piece mesmerising, but this close left a lump in my throat.

    Take care and all the best

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