my mistake

by slowly fading away   Jul 12, 2017

i believed you when you said
"i'd never hurt you"
believing maybe this could be it,
the moment where i'm finally happy.
we started out as best friends ,
or maybe it was just your cover all along?
talking everyday telling each other things
we never thought we'd be able to tell another soul.
you brought back the butterflies i never thought i'd feel again ,
made me laugh when i didn't even want to smile ,
i fell for you and my mistake was telling you how i felt.
it was fun for a few months ,
then everything changed
i wonder if you even felt anything for me at all or just felt sorry for me ,
i guess you just didn't care because you walked away from me like i meant nothing to you ,
even after all the promises of a future with me ,
was I not enough?
maybe I should've tried harder ,
either way it's too late.
you moved on , living life with someone i used to call a friend,
i'm sorry I wasn't pretty like her ,
i'm sorry i didn't dress like her ,
i'm sorry I couldn't be all that you wanted me to be .
and for that I'm scared I'll never be good enough for anybody,
scared to get close to anyone to trust ,
that's what you did..
but in the end
it was my mistake


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  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    A warm welcome to the site.
    This was certainly a sad post from you to read but it is always good to get burdens like this off your chest; this place is certainly good for that. Well expressed.

    All the very best,


  • 7 years ago

    by Michael

    So difficult when we don't feel good enough for someone in ways that affect us. But always remember you are special and beautiful, it is only someone's judgement, who in truth are judging themselves.

    Much warmth

    Michael :)

  • 7 years ago

    by mossgirl19

    Aww...this seriously hurt me. Ouch. I don't know why these things is never easy.

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