To think beyond physical sight.
To go beyond facial look.
It’s not the things common men see.
It takes a deep and insightful look and far-reaching thinking to see the beauty I see.
Only, sincere hearts long for this sight.
The beauty I see!
It may not come in glittering sight.
But if found its worth a billion pieces of gold and diamonds.
It's like the most beautiful waterfall in the world.
It's what makes the heart saga.
This beauty makes the heart long for it all day long.
It is my wish, my dream and my desire.
The beauty I see.
Is the only thing that is one hundred percent.
In it lies life ascend and descend.
Its an 'attitude' that brings great fortitude.
A good attitude is the beauty of the mind.
In the beauty you see the purest kind.
I see, yes, trully the beauty I see.