by Justen Smith
Redacted as smileys dont work and the original title was an emoji roller coaster. |
by Ben Pickard
Justen, you will never know to what extent I agree with this poem and applaud you for standing up and saying how superficial and narcissistic this world has become. I should stop or I'll end up on a rant about people on their phones in restaurants and around dinner tables when they should be talking to their children. Or the mothers who never interact with their toddlers as they push them one-handed in their buggies, talking an tweeting or... See? :( |
by Justen Smith
Thanks, there is a new device called the anti smart phone, it links to your phone and clones its call abilities from your contract. It holds ten numbers only, with a keypad and only makes iternet or anything...its design to look like an i phone simoultaneously fullfills the superficial need to have an expensive phone...but I doubt that anyone can avoid checking facebook long enough to appreciate this gift and oppertunity. |
by Em
One of the reasons I stay clear of social media! X |
by mossgirl19
Could not agree more...sometimes I think I am the only person who think this way! Glad to share your sentiments. My phone doesn't have internet so I don't have to worry. |
by Justen Smith
Thank you Moss and Em, social media had suh potential but like most things this flawed little thing, called the human race, wastes the potential we have to spread awareness of severe issues. |