Fan Mail:

by Scott Cole   Aug 23, 2017

Tonight God's up late in his study
Reading all of his fan mail,
All of those special little prayers
That our hearts have set sail.

He carefully opens each message
As his Mighty eyes scan each petition,
That was sent out of Hope and Faith
Honoring his terms and conditions.

So he calls upon all of his wisdom
And thinks each one over out of love,
Because his final decision is as precious
As the Souls that sent them up above .

For his blessings are mighty and powerful
They can transform lives upon contact,
So he must make sure each recipient
Is truly prepared for that impact.

So he puts us through trials and tribulations
To help build up our fortification,
So we can totally experience his Grace
Without any overpowering agitation.

So he's patient to answer his fan mail
All those special little prayers we send,
But when he does they're perfectly delivered
Because after all, each one is a Godsend.


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  • 7 years ago

    by Mark

    Interesting idea behind this. The rhyming helped the flow. Nice one